Tuesday, July 17, 2012


How proud can I possibly be?

Even though I got some not so good news when I got home, when you look past it on the surface, I know that my daughter is growing into a woman who takes responsibility, is accountable and genuine.

What happened?

When she was backing out of a parking space she accidentally scraped a Durango with her little Civic. 

What did she do?

She left a note.

What did I do?

I called the woman who's car it was and will work with them to get their fender or whatever re-painted... gladly.

The woman complimented my daughter and that is something that makes my heart sing.

Who cares about the $$ ... it turns out my daughter was listening after all!!  Oh - did I mention she's 16 and has had her license less than a year?  Would YOUR kid have done the same thing?  I'm glad mine did.