Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wacky Wednesday

Strange day... all hell broke loose even as I was walking in the door at the office...

Escalations from start to finish.
Sales people who forgot how to wipe their asses.
One employee who went brain-dead on how to do his job. Might have to fire this one...
Another employee who doesn't like to (or know how to) deliver tough messages to customers.

At the same time, what a good day because I was able to laugh throughout... it was just a very strange day.

The sales people kicked ass in April - good for business - if only there were a bonus structure... maybe in the future. Could have been a record month - we'll see when the final numbers come out on Friday.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mortality In Your Face

So I get this e-mail from my dad this morning. Attached is an obituary from his local paper. Classmate of mine from high school passed away Sunday 4/27/08 - only 44 years old.

Shock, disbelief and a whole lot of other emotions hit me all at once. She wasn't the first in my graduating class to pass and I know she won't be the last... we just still seem too damn young and invincible for this to happen to US...

But we're not... life is funny, cruel, strange and so much more - all at the same time.

RIP Sheena...

Some Progress....

Small steps - since my physical at the beginning of the month I've managed to drop about 5 pounds... it's a start... blood pressure is still too high but I haven't had the chance to get back into the gym or start a running program yet.

After being sick for much of February and then my family being sick most of March and April, I think things are settling down a bit...

This should give me the chance I need to get moving more and drop a little more of this weight and get to that 185 mark.