Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Let it Snow...

Finally some snow in the Denver area... only problem is that it's deciding to do it overnight and just making a bloody mess of the rush hour... it's still mighty nice to look to the mountains from the office and see the white-capped peaks in the distance...

Keep it coming in the mountains for sure!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Weigh In

First weigh in was on Saturday 12/8/07 ... lost 1 pound... at a pound a week, that's hitting my target - or at least getting close. Need to do some work though this week - been a tough one diet-wise and hard to work out because of all the things going on.

Need to break it up during the day and do some in the morning and some at night.

Still working at it, but honestly, I have to hit a rhythm and carry this pig out!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Line is Drawn...

In my last post I wrote about how it's time to transform myself... work hard to lose the extra weight I know that I'm carrying around.

Well now I know exactly how much there is to take off. When I got on the scale it read 198 pounds. I am looking to get between 180 and 185 so we're looking at 13 - 18 pounds, hopefully by the end of march.

How will I do it? Most likely the old fashioned way - work out, watch what I eat, ease up on the portions, etc. A friend of mine recently lost 28 pounds with some plan that called for 64 oz of water per day, lots of GREEN veggies (no carrots or corn - too much sugar) and lots of white meat. I might do a variation on that theme but on my own. I can't afford to do a plan that I have to shell out money for.

I know this is a lousy time of the year to start on something like this, but I don't have a choice - I don't like the way I look and only I can do something about it.

Look for weekly updates on the situation.