Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rewind... rewind... rewind...

what a strange day...

New hire that started on Monday forced to resign due to medical issues... I feel really bad for him because he's a real nice guy but it would have impacted his ability to do the job... prayers to you JH... be well

sales escalation took up another 2 hours this morning... stupid shit - support gets thrown under the bus and we have to jack it up ourselves and prove we were correct... Just ONCE I'd like to get some support from the sales team... sticking up for the customer is one thing, but throwing the people who bail your ass out time and time again is just plain wrong...

Had one guy "flake" on me this afternoon after offering him a new role that he interviewed for... oh well - back to the drawing board.

Keep smiling and keep the team together (mentally)... I'm glad my boss is so supportive of me... she really appreciates me being there and for that I'm thankful... 'Tis the Season!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Let Me Get This Straight...

Time for some political incorrectness... If anyone is offended - tough ... as Ted Nugent says - "Deal with it."

I make my mortgage payment, truck payment, credit card payment... month after month after month... Even when I was out of work, I was able to keep my payments going (thank the good Lord). I had enough sense to build my savings and sit on the cash as so many financial experts say... that helped... so why do I get penalized for being responsible? Maybe I should max out my credit cards and get in on the buyout/bailout bandwagon...

How about the government figuring out the following:
1. How to reduce the defecit
2. How to get people working
3. How to get the damn illegal immigrants the hell out of the country and oh yeah - bill them for rent, education and health care that they used... Why the hell are we paying for these people to use our services... shit - I have to buy a meal to use the toilet in a restauraunt so why not have them pay for the services they are using?? Sorry liberals - your ideas don't impress me unless you can tell me what will be cut from other programs you dreamed up to pay for the new ones.

You want to bail out the Fords and GMs and Chryslers of the world??? Keep my money out of that pot... How about dumping the unions to start... the sweetheart deals the retirees get (and by retirees I mean those who took the early buy-out in previous reductions) is OBSCENE... I recently read Lee Iaccoca's book and I believe he said up to 30% of the operating expenses of Chrysler goes to retirees health benefits... hmmmm - anyone else see a problem here!??! I say give the Big 3 the loans they want but tie the interest rate to their ability to deliver cutting edge technology to increase mileage by a factor of 5 (minimum)... don't tell me they can't do it because we put men on the moon using computers as powerful as a pocket calculator for crying out loud!

You hear that sucking sound folks? It's the sound of the middle class getting sucked off the face of the planet - we're not middle class - we're the working class poor!

Welcome to the new reality... and don't give me the shit that it's the Republican's fault, or even the Democrat's fault for that matter... every scumbag in Washington and in each state senate is to blame - period. Every one of them over the past 20+ years shares the blame... and we do too folks... we share the blame because we voted for and trusted the assholes to keep OUR best interests in mind... public servants my ass... they only serve themselves.

Good night and good luck folks! Something tells me we're going to need it no matter who's in office.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

37 Years? REALLY???

November 8, 1971... a date that should live in everyone's mind when it comes to rock & roll history.

The release of Led Zeppelin IV with Stairway to Heaven.

What more can be said?

Feeling Drained

Not sure if it's work, family or the recent time change but I've been "off" for a couple weeks now.

Work is stressful - new releases, lots to do and not enough time during the day to get things done... I know - same for a lot of folks. I still love the job and I know it's just a temporary bump - I just haven't felt it like this in the year+ I've been there.

Family stuff is OK - lots going on - very busy ... that feeds the stress of course and the holidays loom just around the bend.

The time change is always tough - haven't been sleeping good - trying to get adjusted as best I can (and as fast as I can). Not seeing the sun can weigh on a person - need to try to get out at lunchtime to take a walk a couple times per week.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

All... Most... There

Just a few more days and we'll be past all the ads, etc. that I wrote about a few days ago...

My ballot is in the mail, sure to arrive before deadline. Some of the cartoons circulating are pretty funny (even if you support the guy, you have to admit these are pretty good...)

When I come across something for McCain I'll post it as well to be fair... if you have anything, point me in the right direction.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Slow Down - You Move Too Fast

Everyone seems to be on edge lately... customers, staff, co-workers, family, friends.... everyone...

Maybe it's the unknown of the upcoming election... or maybe the economy.. or the upcoming holidays.... or how about all of the above?!?!?

Customers want everything now and are quick to escalate... staff is stressed because of new software coming out soon ... family and friends just because... it's somewhat wild and not much relief.

I tried to relax tonight but too many things to do ... I checked e-mails before I started this and uncovered a problem at work... 30 minutes later, here I am...

My vice when I'm stressed is food... I snack... i'm a "grazer" and it's not good - especially going into the winter months. Tonight was the last soccer practice with the kids so I did some running around but I can always use more.

Reading helps but reading at night just puts me to sleep :)

I want to take up a hobby .... woodworking or pick up my guitar again... not sure which but I will pick up one or the other over the winter. In the summer it's yardwork and gardening that are my release. Still need to find something for the winter months. An excuse to stop working so much. The wife and daughter don't talk much because they're so busy... we do make a point of eating dinner together every night and it's good - just the way it was when I grew up... the youngest is still too young to sit and carry on a "good" conversation but it's getting better... sitting on the floor playing games with him is a great relaxer too.

Just need to take other's advice and slow down from time to time... I was never one for listening though so it's up to me ...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Are We There Yet??

Are we there yet? Is election day over?

Is everyone else tired of the crap, the attack ads and all the other stuff that's gone with this election? Local or national - it's ugly out there.

History in the making either way you slice it, only question is what is it going to cost us all... only time will tell.

I just finished reading both Lee Iaccoca's book "Where Have All the Leaders Gone?" and Ted Nugent's "Ted, White and Blue"... each a good read. Both with valid points and arguments and each will make someone's head explode!

Iaccoca's leans left and Nugent's leans right. Nugent's is obviously more colorful (if you know his music and have heard him on the radio talk show circuit you know what I'm talking about). Each brings about the argument that people need to be responsible for themselves!

Hmmmm - any current politicians listening?

Why are people stupid?

Sometimes you have to wonder why people do what they do... I have a tech who overall is good. Nice kid... considerate, fun, technically sound...

Unfortunately he did something really stupid and it will cost him his job... I feel bad about it but I have little choice ... Friday's gonna be hard.

Be smart - take your crap off the printer at work... better yet, DON'T EVEN PRINT IT!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Have a Good Trip

Have a good trip... I'm sorry we couldn't talk before you left... there are a few things I know we need to talk about - things on both our minds.

I wish I had time today to call but it just wasn't meant to be. Sometimes I wonder what you think, how you feel. Wonder if you still think some of the same things you used to... we've had some great times and some really shitty times... The good outweighs the bad, but we've stung each other also.

Be safe on this trip. I'll talk to you when you get back. We'll have some catching up to do.

Fluff is Gone

That's it... she finished on Friday... gave what she said - 2 full weeks of solid work and I thank her for it... nothing less than professional - period.

Many laughs at the happy hour... me, Fluff, Pooch, the Saint and others in attendance of course... the core, the lifeblood...

Big hole in the team - professionally and emotionally... the company that lured her away is lucky and will be happy with her I'm sure...

You'll be missed Fluff! Thanks for everything and thank you for the friendship and all else over the past few years. Keep in touch!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Slow Down - RELAX!!!

Wow! What a day... down 3 techs and a 4th calls in "sick" (read that as hung over!)... sales people pissed off, customers pissed off and I can't get a lick of my own work done all day.

Snapped at one sales guy and apologized... pissed off the bosses because I put myself in the situation... no one to blame but myself... Am I trying too hard or taking on too much? Maybe...

Serves me right for trying to be the nice guy... a couple of people are taking advantage of it I fear... plus I'm losing one of my best techs to a different company/job this week... good move for her and it will leave a big hole for a little bit... I'm happy for her though.

Need to suck it up, slow down and relax a bit... been working out again (but missed tonight because of other stuff that needed to be done)... need to work an 8 hour day here soon and not feel bad about it... maybe tomorrow...

Good night all.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Does it REALLY Matter??

I'm not big into politics, office or otherwise.

This presidential election has got me disillusioned on the heels of the recent market meltdown. I (like most people I know) lost a good deal of coin in recent weeks from various accounts. No one really has the basis for a good long-term plan in my opinion.

TV ads are a farse - it's all spin. It's hard to get the true scoop on anything nowadays and the internet doesn't help other than you can read every bloody newspaper in the country. You would have to read everything to get even 25% of the truth about either of the candidates. Most are biased one way or the other.

The debates were disappointing - nothing spontaneous, everything scripted right down to the questions at the "townhall" formatted debate. I say put the candidates in a room with REAL people with a moderator and let them answer REAL questions! What about MY best interests? What about Social Security, what about Iraq, what about a REAL plan on alternative energy instead of this crap with ethanol? Do the math - it's pretty simple... it doesn't work! Subsidised by tax payers with $$ going to farmers while everyone pays more for food.... oh - and did I mention the lack of equity in the gas mileage? Hmmm - let's get it straight - to get the same mileage as a gasoline engine, you've got to pay how much more in REAL money? BULLSHIT... politicians are selling us less for more... yeah - the American way... gotta love it.

What about the now-vanished middle-class? (I don't care what anyone says, there IS NO MIDDLE-CLASS anymore - there is the rich and the not rich). No one can put a number on "middle-class" anymore. Geographic differences and cost differentials have seen to that - not to mention crooked politicians everywhere.

I'm in the middle on this one ... I pay my mortgage and my car payment, don't have a lot of other debt (thankfully) and have managed to be relatively healthy along with the rest of my family. I will get nothing out of this election other than a bill no matter who wins.

I just finished reading Lee Iaccoca's book - Where Have All the Leaders Gone? and he put it simply - no matter what happens, no matter what new programs are put into place, you've got to pay for it SOMEHOW. Either you give something up or you pony up the cash.

Enough of the pandering to the oil giants - they want tax breaks? Tell them to get us alternative energy! REAL alternative energy that we can afford in real dollars... for every breakthrough they give the American person, give them something... hmmm - pay for performance?? If we expect it from the working class stiffs like me, why not the high and mighty scum suckers running these outfits?

It is exciting though - especially seeing my kids getting interested... either way, it's historical.
Exciting and scary.

Hang on for your life it could get really interesting.

Fluff's Final Week

Fluffy is leaving! Waaaaahhhhhh!

Bummer, downer, exciting, happy for you.

You were a big supporter of me in the past two positions... You will be missed for sure.

Friday, September 19, 2008

End of a Crazy Week and Answered Questions

I think my question about regrets was answered tonight. The end of a though week for both of us and I thought we'd find comfort with each other. Too bad it was so awkward. Should I have asked? Should I have suggested?

I don't know...

Until next time...

Friday, August 22, 2008


I'm confused... did I do or say something wrong? Or were you just tired...

I know you were tired - what am I talking about - who am I kidding. I just hope you don't regret the other two nights and what was said/done...

Thanks for coming out for the drinks - you're doing a FANTASTIC job in your new role... thank you for sharing everything with me...

I hope there are no regrets

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Relax - It's the Olympics

Relaxing weekend so far... Olympics on TV, my daughter had friends spend the night and I ran some errands... relaxing the rest of the day... GO USA!

Weight down 1 more pound... Blood pressure still good - have to work hard next week though to beat the 190 pound mark... sitting at 191... Friday and Saturday are usually my worst days but you can't totally deny yourself - reward yourself with a little something after working hard the week before.

Work was tough this past week - lots of escalations but still somewhat productive other than the fact that I wasn't able to talk to my friend much - I hope she doesn't think that I'm avoiding her or pushing away. That's the last thing I want to do.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Work, working out and "Stuff"

Rough couple days at work. Lots of escalations all being handled, but just taking up too much of my day. Nothing my techs can do about it though - some customers just need to be held.

Looking for an excuse to sacrifice the rubber chicken and this might be it... need some good mojo!

Personal note - workouts have been good and I'm dropping some weight. Need to see my friend for a little more alone time. Maybe later this week or next. Grab a beer and watch the ballgame and talk.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Crazy Mondays!

Monday... great workout this morning at the gym and a hell of a day at work...

The workday started out just fine but then escalation city!! One user just yelling at one of my techs, me and 2 people from sales. Root cause = IGNORANCE. Not necessarily his fault but he needs to shut his mouth and listen for a few minutes.

We'll get through to him but it might take a couple of days. It will be interesting to see his response in the morning.

Might have to sacrifice the rubber chicken at work before the original plan if this shit keeps up!

Personal note - got an e-mail from a former soccer player of mine that I used to coach - glad to hear she's doing good in this crazy grown up world... I've known her for at least 10 years now - hard to believe.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Renewing Friendships and Losing Weight

Start with the weight... been in the gym and really watching my food intake the past 2 weeks - PAYOFF! Down 3 pounds ... that's 3 of the 15 -20 that I want/need to lose... the bloodpressure came down also... still need to see a bigger drop in the bottom number of the BP, but good start...

Now the friendship piece - went to lunch on Thursday with my friend - WOW! She showed up and my jaw hit the floor... what a beauty! Would have loved to have taken the rest of the day off with her, but it could not be...

She's taking more time off later in the month so I'll try to play hookey one afternoon and spend time if she wants - Letting her make the choices. So far it's been fine by me and the results have been awesome.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Where did the Weekend Go??

Time flies but did I really have fun? Woke up to a phone call from work at 1:15am Saturday morning. Youngest kid woke up early that morning so no go on catching up on the lost sleep.

Saturday afternoon spent with a contractor for 4 hours. Sunday flew by doing all kinds of other stuff... kind of crazy.

Monday was fast and furious at the office. Hoping to hear from a friend of mine today - maybe, maybe not... hoping to get to lunch with her this week... need to say hello.

Side note - back to the gym today for the first time in a long time... need to get back into the habit... bad day diet-wise though... I need to work on dropping this weight (10 - 15 pounds) in the next 3 months)... I'm gonna work hard at it - for my own good...

Have to figure out how I can cut/burn a combination of 3500 calories a week for the next 12 weeks - that will do it... 500 calories a day to drop the weight... good luck to me... it will make a few people in my life very happy if/when I do it.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Vacation Thoughts

I just realized that I never wrote a word about my recent vacation and visit with the boyz back east...

Good times had by all... 3 brothers from separate mothers getting together to talk, drink, laugh and see just how lucky we all are... each with our wives, a son and daughter each, homes and stable jobs...

I don't think I could have survived if I stayed in NJ (honestly)... there would have been too damn much pressure and being a good distance away is good for me... not as many temptations, etc...

Only problem is that the family (mom, dad, friends) are getting older and it gets harder to fathom someone not being there at some point... everyone's healthy overall and I'm thankful for that... I'm also happy that I got to see an aunt, uncle and cousin who mean the world to me...

The upcoming years will certainly be hard, but there was a lot of love back there and always will be... I sure hope they all understand (honestly) why I'm here instead of there...

I talked it over with my friend last night and she thinks everything is OK and I trust her instinct just because of who she is and what she's been for me in the past...

Another Chance to Reconnect

What a great night reconnecting... it's been so long since we've been able to do that and I so wish that we were able to get together more often... we both know that's not always possible though and we'll just keep making the best of every chance we can ...

Friends like you are a once in a lifetime blessing and I want that friendship to be there for a long time yet to come...

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Friday was great... we hadn't been able to connect that way in years... hopefully we don't pull each other in too far again and don't push each other away like we did before...

There's gotta be a happy median for what we have... maybe this time...

No matter what, you're special to me (like it or not) and hopefully you don't regret what happened (past or present).


Sunday, June 22, 2008


Here we go... one week before vacation...

I can't tell you how long it's been since I've actually had one. OK - actually I can - 3 years! Even though we're going "home" and it's sometimes more work than I want to admit, it's still a great time... so many people to see and as always we won't be able to see everyone... We'll do our best, but it's going to be tight...

My mom's got stuff planned, my mother-in-law's got stuff planned, everyone has someplace for us to be...

The one thing I HAVE to do is get my dad alone for 5 or 10 minutes and thank him for the college education he gave me... story goes like this - during the winter there was construction across the street from our building and I watched those poor bastards freezing doing their work outdoors... my mom and dad gave me the opportunity to not have to do that for the rest of my life... I have to thank them for that...

I figure it will be over morning coffee sitting in the back yard or over a scotch or Jack Daniels on the front steps one night...

Hope I don't cry...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Damn - You Can Talk!!

Went to lunch with a friend today... one I used to work with pretty closely... damn can the girl talk!

Usual spot, usual conversation... I could typically listen to her for a long, long time... I still find myself getting lost in her words and just staring at her... she's so damn pretty to boot!

Normally that might turn people off (dominating a conversation) but with her, I love to hear about how she's grown into her latest role as a manager - something that should have happened a long time ago but didn't because of friction and politics...

Since she and I were close when I worked there, she never got a fair shake until after I bailed on the place... it hurt me to leave the company (financially and otherwise) but for me it was the right thing to do because I was in a dead end department... I didn't leave for her - I did it for me to go to what I thought at the time was a better opportunity... her success is hers and hers only and I'm very proud of her...

Can't wait to go out for drinks one of these nights with her and just listen some more...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Short Timer Syndrome

Getting set to go on vacation here soon... can't wait to see the boyz, the family and other friends...

It's been a long time since I've been back to NJ... it should be fun... Hoping to hook up with a couple of people I haven't seen in a very long time. Loading up the cell phone with numbers and will call when we get there... a beer here, a cup of coffee there...

No desire to get work done ... gotta stay focused

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Father's day weekend... should be relaxing.

A little yardwork, maybe take the little one to the pool, catch up on some reading...

To the boyz in NJ (Billy, Fatboy, et al) - Happy Father's Day!!!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

First Kiss...

So weird... dreamed last night of the girl that gave me my first real kiss... my first real girlfriend.

Pretty girl - DeeDee we called her... tall, dirty blonde and very fun. Not sure what brought that on especially since I haven't spoken to her in close to 20 years...

Maybe it had to do with the photo album found over the weekend (see previous post - Maybe it was me being nostalgic for the past - for the hockey team, for being at an age when it was OK not to give a rat's ass about a damn thing other than what you were doing that night, where you were hanging out and who was buying the beer... simple times.

I think we all need some of that from time to time. I think I'll go up and take another peek at that photo album and have another trip back in time...

'night all...

The Past Came Back

Over last weekend I was doing some needed cleaning in the basement when my wife came across a photo album that I thought was long lost. WOW - what memories came back...

College friends and parties, college graduation and some explaining about who was sitting on my lap at the fraternity Christmas party :-)

Hmmm - makes me wonder if it was "lost" on purpose...


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Music World Mourns

Another guitar hero lost... first was Jeff Healey earlier this year.

Now - Bo Diddley...

Both a great loss to the guitar/music world. Inovators, showmen, class acts.

Both will be sorely missed.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Ever lose something that you took for granted? I did over the weekend... could have been anywhere but I think I know where it might have been - little chance for recovery unless I'm totally off base.

About 25 or 30 years ago I received a gift - a gold chain and a crucifix. Since I had it, it's been off my neck only three times - once during surgery, once when it broke and had to be reparied and now.

Sometime between Friday night and Sunday morning I lost it... very sad, very madening... If I lost it where I think I did, there's little chance for me to get it back because too much time went by.

I feel "naked" without it - after having something hang around your neck for so long you really take it for granted

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mish-mash of Things

Not much peace the past 2 days at work... lots to do but lots of interruptions... giving a class that is being somewhat well received. JW not engaged at all - par for the course with him... he's a tough nut.

Was a busy weekend - last soccer game of the girl's season - brilliant 2 - 1 win in the final seconds... well played all around.

Men's team could have used some of that magic but lots of injuries. Chris played with a busted rib from the previous week. Daughter had a 3 hour softball practice after her game on Saturday.

More $$ about to be spent - unplanned of course... rain last night and found a little water in the house by the fireplace... either a problem at the roof-line or with the chimney cap allowing water to wick in... called the roofer today to have them come out to look at it tomorrow... fingers crossed!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Out of the Blue

So my best friend in NJ gave me a call tonight - out of the blue as he typically does... I'll tell you, I can't wait to go back to see him and the other "boyz"... I love it out here in Colorado, but damn - if I could move him and another buddy of mine out here, it would be heaven...

Every time we get on the phone, it's a laugh-fest... I can always count on him to make me feel good when I'm down and feel even better when I'm feeling good!!!

Known him for over 30 years now... brothers for sure...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Soccer Weekend

Beautiful soccer weekend... sun, little wind and not too hot... the kids lost 2 -1 but it was their best effort this season... 1 more game for them and the season's over....

Men's team tied 2 - 2 after being down 0 - 2 at half... I had a hand in the 2nd goal which actually was a penalty kick taken by our leading scorer... I was able to keep the ball alive after the other team's keeper bobbled a shot and he got tripped up in the box...

I also had a chance to actually win the game but was 1/2 a step too slow... 5 years ago that goal would have been mine...

On the lighter side, I was traumatized - my daughter came home with a dress for her 6th grade continuation... OUCH! My reaction after she modeled it for me was that I wanted to go upstairs to my room and cry :-)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thoughts for Thursday

Bummer - lost my original post due to a computer issue (wireless sucks sometimes)

Good day at work - calmer.. filled 2 open positions (and quickly) - boss likes that...

Talked to the person who resigned last night - burned out... good luck... glad he gave me 2 weeks

Avalanche lost big tonight to the Red Wing scum... only the Flyers left now to root for (other than anyone playing the Rangers and Red Wings)

Rough/physical indoor soccer game tonight... I'll feel it tomorrow morning for sure... ankle, ribs, legs all sore...

Snowed today - 80 degrees yesterday - 45 w/snow today... gotta love Colorado

Friday looms - gonna make it a good day and a good weekend... Happy Friday!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wacky Wednesday

Strange day... all hell broke loose even as I was walking in the door at the office...

Escalations from start to finish.
Sales people who forgot how to wipe their asses.
One employee who went brain-dead on how to do his job. Might have to fire this one...
Another employee who doesn't like to (or know how to) deliver tough messages to customers.

At the same time, what a good day because I was able to laugh throughout... it was just a very strange day.

The sales people kicked ass in April - good for business - if only there were a bonus structure... maybe in the future. Could have been a record month - we'll see when the final numbers come out on Friday.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mortality In Your Face

So I get this e-mail from my dad this morning. Attached is an obituary from his local paper. Classmate of mine from high school passed away Sunday 4/27/08 - only 44 years old.

Shock, disbelief and a whole lot of other emotions hit me all at once. She wasn't the first in my graduating class to pass and I know she won't be the last... we just still seem too damn young and invincible for this to happen to US...

But we're not... life is funny, cruel, strange and so much more - all at the same time.

RIP Sheena...

Some Progress....

Small steps - since my physical at the beginning of the month I've managed to drop about 5 pounds... it's a start... blood pressure is still too high but I haven't had the chance to get back into the gym or start a running program yet.

After being sick for much of February and then my family being sick most of March and April, I think things are settling down a bit...

This should give me the chance I need to get moving more and drop a little more of this weight and get to that 185 mark.