Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Are We There Yet??

Are we there yet? Is election day over?

Is everyone else tired of the crap, the attack ads and all the other stuff that's gone with this election? Local or national - it's ugly out there.

History in the making either way you slice it, only question is what is it going to cost us all... only time will tell.

I just finished reading both Lee Iaccoca's book "Where Have All the Leaders Gone?" and Ted Nugent's "Ted, White and Blue"... each a good read. Both with valid points and arguments and each will make someone's head explode!

Iaccoca's leans left and Nugent's leans right. Nugent's is obviously more colorful (if you know his music and have heard him on the radio talk show circuit you know what I'm talking about). Each brings about the argument that people need to be responsible for themselves!

Hmmmm - any current politicians listening?

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