Saturday, July 2, 2011

Nothing is Free - Especially Freedom

So this weekend we celebrate our nation's independence... as we spend time with family and loved ones during this long weekend, we can't forget all the patriots - past and present - who gave us our freedom.

Lives lost and turned upside down.. families broken... it's a hell of a cost for what we call "freedom".

Isn't it too bad that the dumb-asses in Washington now can't face reality and run this country like a damn business? It's gonna cost us dearly people... class-warfare and unrest are certainly on their way because just like a household, eventually something has to give when they realize there's no more money and no matter how much is printed, it won't help...

God bless our soldiers and their families this July 4 and every day... and God bless all the hard working people in the country that REALLY keep the country going...

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