Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Did He Really Say What I Think He Said?!?!?

Watching PBS this afternoon (Lou Dobbs, business report) and he was talking about Mexican President Calderon's weekend comments that essentially encouraged illegal immigration and sloughed off any responsibility or accountability for what's happening in his own country - the one that HE was elected President of in order to help fix things...

I almost fell out of my chair when I heard the comments and I agreed with Lou Dobbs on his response - Fix your stuff Calderon and we'll gladly accept LEGAL immigrants from your country; those that want to contribute to our economy in the correct sense - pay their taxes, work the jobs, and NOT sponge off the rest of the American taxpayers and the liberal scum in office who want to GIVE away our money to support them and their kids with our healthcare and school systems.

Lots of chatter on this one.

Check out wakeupamericans

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