Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fluff - They'll Miss You When You're Gone

Trust me... now that you and I are both out of there, they are in some trouble. They just don't know it yet... Pig-fuckers that they are, they're in denial! The bastards let so many good ones go and it will cost them that much more to keep new people coming in. They're idiots!!!

Pretty soon they'll be approaching 100% turnover in the group but it's the wrong part of the group! Management (aka - Greed-Heads as Hunter S. Thomson would call them) should suffer (and I hope that they are) but the axe won't fall on them - oh no... they should all be brought out to the parking lot and castrated with dull, rusty butter knives and have rusty railroad spikes laid into their temples with huge pile-drivers!!

Keep your head up, keep writing and keep in touch! There's still so much better out there!!!

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