Monday, October 8, 2007

So Many Ideas...

On the job front, there is so much to do... it's wonderful!

At my last position, the attitude was just get shit done, don't worry about how much you're spinning your wheels... oh - and you won't get any support from management... oh - and no matter how good you do with what little you have, you'll still get screwed in the end...

The new place is a complete 180-degree turn from that. I have support from management to enact ideas. They want my ideas. They are excited about my ideas! Not only am I learning new things, but I'm also teaching my boss new things and she wants more!

This is the boost that I needed. This shows me that the last place was an ugly dream and that I was doing the right thing all along - it was just that the thinking there was so screwed, there was no way to succeed.

Here's to not looking back at certain chapters of our lives!

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